You can support us in a very direct way by helping as a volunteer and you can also add new skills or experiences to your CV.
Our regular fundraising events and projects always need ‘hands on deck’ to make everything run smoothly.
You can also get involved at our centres or in one of our offices.
Ways to volunteer
Volunteer at one of our events
Our volunteers are vital to helping us make sure everyone taking part in a Maggie’s event feels 100% supported and looked after.
For some events we ask for a few hours, for others we need volunteers who can donate weekends.
We will pay your travel and accommodation expenses and will keep you fed and happy.
Help out at our centres
Our centres rely on the support of volunteers, so that our Cancer Support Specialists can concentrate on providing our visitors with the support they need.
Administration, maintaining the library area, filling the dishwasher, making cups of tea… there are so many different ways for our volunteers to keep our centres running smoothly.
If you can give a few hours a week we would love to hear from you.
In our gardens
Each centre garden is carefully created to be a welcoming extension of the inside space. Help us look after them by donating your gardening skills.
It costs £590,000 to keep one of our centres open for one year. We rely on the support of dedicated volunteers to help process our donations, thank our supporters, market our fundraising events and distribute collection tins.
We are also looking for people who could lead a team of local volunteers to hold events on behalf of Maggie’s and promote our work.
In our offices
Be a part of the Fundraising, Communications or Administration teams in the London or Glasgow office.
Tell your story
If you would be happy to share your personal experience of how Maggie’s has helped you or your family and friends we are looking for Ambassadors to speak at our local events.
You will be fully supported by our Centre Fundraisers and can choose when to volunteer your time.
How to volunteer
To apply for a role, simply fill out our Volunteer application form and email it to enquiries@maggies.org or post it to: Maggie’s at The Gatehouse, 10 Dumbarton Road, Glasgow G11 6PA.
If you have any questions on completing the form, please contact the Supporter Care team by emailing enquiries@maggies.org
Information evenings
When you send us your application form, your nearest centre will be in touch to invite you to attend the next volunteer and fundraising information evening.
This is where you can find out more about Maggie’s, the ways in which you could help, meet some existing volunteers and ask questions to the team.