Our courses and workshops are designed to help you learn about living well with cancer and we’ll help you find what’s most appropriate for you.
Each session is run by a member of our professional teams or one of our qualified sessional staff.
Where to start
Finding out you have cancer changes your life, and the weeks after diagnosis can be the most difficult and challenging. We're here from that moment.
There are courses and sessions you can join where you can talk through all the questions you may have. You can also meet others in the a similar situation.
When treatment ends
Coming to the end of treatment can bring it's own challenges. Friends and family may expect you to bounce back, but we know how hard that can be.
Our seven-week course Where now? Support beyond treatment, helps you prepare emotionally as well as with the practicalities of going back to work, staying active and positive.
Our Cancer Support Specialists are always here to talk about how you're feeling post treatment and issues around fatigue and anxiety.
Less stress
There are lots of things we can share with you to help you make the stressful feelings that come with having cancer, more manageable.
As well as one-to-one and group support we have a six-week Managing Stress course that encourages you to try out different ways of relaxation including managing anxious thoughts, meditation, visualisation and how to use these methods in everyday life.
Family and friends
You can join our Friends and Family course, which covers practical things like how to take care of yourself and the person you're caring for; it's a safe, non-judgmental group where you can share your feelings and concerns.
Informal and creative, our Kids’ and Teen Days offer information about cancer and its treatment, as well as the chance to share stories and experiences.
Children and young people have the chance to visit the hospital where their parents or carer's are being treated and afterwards enjoy lunch and art therapy back at the centre.
Look good
Cancer and treatment can change the way you look and feel, and this can dent your confidence.
We can discuss things like hair loss and what to expect from surgery.
We also work with an organisation called Look Good Feel Better, whose monthly workshops can help you manage the visible side effects of cancer treatment.
You might also like to try our Managing hair loss workshop, which helps with worries about losing your hair, as well as how to buy and wear a wig or headscarf.
Staying active
Exercise and gentle physical activity can give you more energy and help build your confidence to deal with cancer and treatment.
Our exercise groups and classes include yoga, Tai Chi and walking groups.
We know that everyone has different needs, so we'll help you find activities that are right for you.
Eat well
When you're diagnosed with cancer, you may have questions about what food to eat.
Our regular Nutrition Workshops are a chance to meet and talk to other people with cancer, discuss healthier options and discover what suits you best.
Getting creative
Our Creative Writing and Expressive Art groups are open to everyone, regardless of skill or experience.
Drawing, painting or writing can help you to slow down, relax and process your thoughts, and can be a great way to explore and express difficult thoughts and feelings.
How to join a class or workshop at Maggie's
Every centre runs a selection of activities and many of them you will need to book a place. Find your nearest centre to take a look at the timetable or call the team to find out more and to book.