Your thoughts on coming out of shielding...

Wednesday 31 March 2021

We know that everyone will be feeling different emotions as shielding restrictions for people with cancer begin to ease across the UK. Some of the people we support share their thoughts about the situation.


"I’ve cried a lot and I’ve felt trapped for a year.

Zoom has been a huge help but I’m really looking forward to coming back to the safety of the centre where I can really relax and talk honestly to the wonderful staff. "



"After a year of shielding, I’m looking forward to seeing friends and family, going out to dinner, shopping and just getting back to normal.

Having so many restrictions has given me far too much time to think about and dwell on what I’ve been going through.

I’ll be happy to just get back to normal which will hopefully help me to take my mind off cancer and move on from my diagnosis, treatment and recovery."



"It seems to have been super busy most weekends already, and that is still in lockdown.

I'm worried about the number of visitors once things like campsites open up.

But I personally stick to the rules and am careful.

I will be glad to share a coffee with a friend once we are allowed to travel further afield, but I won’t be making big plans right now. Living from week to week... we will see what happens."



"I had to come out of shielding and go into London for a hospital appointment.

I actually got off the tube after one stop as the man sitting opposite me pulled his mask down to make a phone call. 

I then had to walk down a busy shopping street and it was a bit nerve-wracking seeing so many people in one place and trying to keep my distance.

Once in the hospital though, it was very reassuring, and I did feel more confident on the way home and glad I’d made the trip to get my scans done."



"I’ll miss the quiet of the roads and the constant chatter of the birds as things go back to normal.

I worry people will forget the virus is still out there and some of us are very vulnerable. "




"I’m super excited about coming out of lockdown, although life will be very different. I can’t wait to see family I’ve not seen for ages and have a family get together.

Me and my Maggie’s friends have a table booked for lunch the first weekend after lockdown ends.

I’ve been for walks with two of them who live in Edinburgh but we haven’t seen our friend Gill face to face for far too long.

It will be two hours of laughter, smiles and probably a few tears but mostly happiness."



"My overwhelming feeling is one of relief.

Whilst I am still apprehensive and uncertain about getting out and about and mixing with people in person, being vaccinated has eased these fears.

The nagging sense of dread that accompanied leaving my house during the first lockdown, when I knew I was particularly vulnerable, has subsided a little.

I have loved sharing emotions like relief, anticipation, and hope with people in similar situations, like my Maggie's Men's Group.

But this is always accompanied by an awareness of all of the suffering lockdown has caused, as well as concerns for the future – especially for those who desperately need cancer treatment."


A support group in one of our centres (main image) share their feelings over zoom...



"I feel very happy and very confident about coming out of lockdown.

I'm not fearful of getting Covid: if I avoided it last year I'm sure with the vaccine in place my chances of catching it are small.

I'll continue to be careful and follow the rules but I want to get out and recapture life."  


"I'm excited and fearful.

I'm not worried about being outside but I am about being inside, on trains for instance. 

As a CEO I'm feeling the pressure to lead the organisation back into the office and set an example. We'll do everything we can to make that safe but I am cautious and concerned."  


"I've got mixed emotions. I'm looking forward to seeing other people and doing something different.

I'm going to try not to be too paranoid and anxious, and take baby steps. I'm cautiously optimistic."  


"I'm usually the glass-half-full type. 

Coming out of lockdown, most people will be saying ‘yay' and going for it, and I don't blame them: if I was healthy I would be too.

I'm worried that people won't be cautious anymore. Come June I'll have to shop alongside everyone else and I'm worried I'm going to feel more disabled than I do now." 


"We need to start living life again, but I am anxious about it. Not because I'm fearful of catching Covid, but more just being around people again.

I've got used to my safe, secure world at home so going shopping, driving the car, is really nerve-wracking."

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