Rita's story – why I've left a gift to Maggie's in my will

Monday 06 January 2020

Maggie's, Manchester

Rita came to Maggie's when she was diagnosed with cancer and needed emotional support and advice about treatment. She's leaving a gift to Maggie's in her will to make sure we can be here for people like her when they need us most.

Being diagnosed

In December 2017, I noticed a small stye in my left eye. By January, my eye looked like it had been punched and it kept getting worse. I had a growth in my neck, too.

I had two operations to remove the tumour, and a PET scan, which is where they put nuclear dye through your body to find any tumours. I lit up like a Christmas tree. It was everywhere: my lungs, liver, stomach, neck and eye.

My biggest worry

Treatment and its effects have been incredibly hard and, from the moment I was diagnosed, my biggest worry has been that I’ll die and leave my husband, Alan, alone. But I’ve been lucky to have a Maggie’s nearby. Support from the staff has been incredible and has helped me to stay hopeful when I’ve felt close to despair.

I think life after treatment finished has been the hardest bit. That’s what nobody warns you about. It’s like someone has come in and burgled your body.

Even when treatment works, you find you need so much more – like support from people who know how painful and exhausting chemo can be, and who understand how low cancer can sometimes make you feel.

How Maggie's helped

I wasn’t sure if Maggie’s would be for me at first, but once I visited I ended up going whenever I could. The staff are so caring and knowledgeable. I had psychological support through counselling, advice about treatment options and group therapy sessions. They have such a wide range of skills that there’s always someone who can help.

Going to Maggie’s and talking to others has helped me to stay positive.

My treatment at the hospital was amazing, but when you’re done, you’re done. Maggie’s stays with you for as long as you need them.

Making sure Maggie's is always here

I decided to leave a gift to Maggie’s in my will. because I want to know that after I’m gone, Maggie’s will be able to carry on supporting more people like me.

My friends and family understand that leaving a gift in my will is a lovely thing to do. I’ve made sure that my loved ones will be taken care of, and it was equally important to me to pay it forward because I know others will need help.

Maggie’s centres are independent and unique, and I think a future without them would be disastrous; there would be nowhere for people like me to go.

There’s nothing else out there that does what they do, and so by leaving a gift in your Will to Maggie’s, no matter how big or small, it will mean that Maggie’s will always be here for people with cancer, from the moment they’re diagnosed.

Leave a gift to Maggie's

Please consider leaving a gift to Maggie’s in your will too – your gift will mean Maggie’s can always be there in future to support everyone with cancer when they desperately need help.

We've got lots of information on how to make a will, why it's important and how you can remember Maggie's by leaving a gift.

We're here for you

We're here for you during this time, call us on 0300 123 180, email enquiries@maggies.org or book a time to visit us and if you're already visiting the hospital, just come in.

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