Nutrition: Pancakes

Tuesday 08 May 2018

I was reminded that it will soon be Pancake Day so I thought that I would make this blog fit in with the tradition that many of us have enjoyed for years. February the 9th is of course Shrove Tuesday otherwise known as Pancake Day. Pancakes were traditionally consumed the day before lent as a means of using up all the rich foods before the forty day fast period of Lent. We do not do that now but I do know that some people give something up or change a routine etc. Which reminds me, a lady that I worked with gave up smoking for the forty days and then started again as soon as lent was over!!!! I never really understood her thinking.

I can remember when I was a child it was very traditional for my father to make all of the pancakes and he was a master of flipping them over, much to our delight. The recipe that we used was of course the traditional batter using white flour and cow’s milk served with lemon juice and sugar, but today there are many much healthier versions to try and I am sure from the selection below you will find one that you would like to try, if not all of them!. They are now quite popular among foodies as a breakfast dish served with fresh berry fruit and or maple syrup or rice syrup and yogurt.

When making pancakes or drop scones the method is the same so I have put one method but different recipes which should suit all tastes. They do freeze well and can be refreshed by putting in a warm oven or popping them under the grill.

Pancakes - Basic Method:

Mix the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Add the eggs and slowly add the milk to make a smooth batter.

Oil a frying pan and heat gently. Add 2 tbsp of mixture to the pan and tilt the pan so the mixture spreads thinly over the base of the pan. Cook over a medium heat till small air bubbles come to the surface of the pancake then flip over and cook for a couple more minutes until the underside is golden brown. Keep warm on a plate over a pan of hot water while you make the others.

Coconut pancakes recipe:

35g of coconut flour

1 ½ tsp of bicarbonate of soda

Pinch salt

1 tsp of vanilla extract

2 eggs

130ml pf coconut milk

Fresh blueberries.

(taken from Cook Nourish Glow by Amelia Freer)

Very Berry Breakfast Pancakes recipe:

125g/5 oz rice flour

25g/1oz ground almonds

2 scoops of solgar whey to go protein powder strawberry flavour

1 tbsp of xylitol

1 ½ tsp of baking powder

2 eggs

240ml/8oz rice or soya milk

Olive oil or coconut oil for frying

Berries of your choice to serve/ chopped nuts/ coconut yogurt

Almond Pancakes with grilled banana and walnuts:

200g of ground almonds

1 tsp of baking powder

Pinch salt

2 eggs

180mls of almond milk

2 tbsp of coconut oil

2 bananas

50g of walnuts

1 tsp of cinnamon

Blueberries and honey to serve (optional)

Make the batter in the usual way, Slice the banana in half lengthwise. In a separate pan heat 1 tbsp of coconut oil and the cinnamon over a medium heat for 1 minute. Put the bananas in the pan and cook for 2 mins on each side until golden. Serve with the pancakes and other ingredients to make a hearty breakfast.

Blueberry pancakes: (taken from The Low GL diet book by Patrick Holford)

50g/2oz cornflour

50g/2 oz quinoa flour

1 tbsp of xylitol

7fl oz of milk (soya or nut)

2 ½ tbsps of water

1 egg

Coconut oil for cooking

Blueberries cooked in a little lemon juice and water sweetened with xylitol to serve.

These are a high protein pancake, the protein coming from the quinoa and the eggs of course. Protein will help sustain you and help to keep blood sugar levels low and even.

I hope that you find one that you like and enjoy something a little different on pancake day or any other day of the week for breakfast.


Blog originally written by Caroline February 2016 - checked March 2021

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