Nutrition - Christmas  a summary and a recipe

Friday 04 May 2018

This is the last blog of the year before we have a break for the Christmas holidays. It has been quite a busy year and I thought rather than do a new topic would take the opportunity to reflect on all the blogs that have been written, and to include a recipe that you may like to try over the festive period.

Such a lot of information has been covered. Some of course will be more beneficial to some that others depending on what you need to know at that time but the underlying message is that food and eating well during cancer has a huge beneficial effect.

Research tells us that by eating well people suffer fewer side effects of treatment, seem to recover more quickly and tend to have a better prognosis. I think that my on the main food groups, importance of protein, on sugar and the two on fats seem to form the foundation for good eating and should benefit everyone.

So you may like to refresh your mind and click on the links, especially after the Christmas festivities are over.

Whenever I see a client or visitor and I give information sheets I always recommend that once they have read them and made some changes to keep them in such a place that they can be easily found and to have a read regularly to keep up the motivation and to remind them why they are doing what they are doing. This sounds a bit daft but I know from my own experience tells me that life gets in the way of our good intentions. Sometimes we get so busy doing this and that that it is so easy for bad habits to creep in. I know only too well how easy it is, due to speed and convenience our food stops being a priority and we reach for the quick convenient solutions. Obvioulsy now and then it is ok but if we are not careful we can find ourselves back where we started with food a low priority. I am sure that some of you are familiar with this.

I hope that those of you who read these blogs have found them helpful and anyone who has contacted me through Maggie’s site have found the replies useful. I have had many positive comments about my work on line which has been lovely and motivating. You can rest assured that I keep my ear to the ground and try to keep as up to date as possible with research and changes so that you get the best information that I can give.

I am going to start the New Year with some book reviews, take a look at the importance of exercise and develop from there. I also want to wish you all very sincerely a very happy Christmas and much happiness for the New Year.

Here is the recipe I promised you:

Passion Fruit and Orange Cheesecake (from Christine Bailey’s Raw Food Cook Book)

A tropical flavoured base topped with creamy citrus passion fruit filling. It is low in sugar yet packed with nutrients and protein.


125g/ 5oz. cashew nuts.

80g/3oz desiccated coconut

2 tbsp agave syrup or honey

3 tbsp lemon juice.

1 tbsp coconut butter melted.


250g/9oz cashew nuts.

80g/3oz coconut butter.
Juice of ½ a lemon

Zest of 2 oranges

Juice of 4 oranges.(about 300mls)

Pinch of sea salt.

1 tsp vanilla extract.

3 tblsps xylitol

6 passion fruit

  1.  Make the base buy grinding the nuts and coconut in a blender till finely ground. Stir in the rest of the ingredients and add a little water if needed to bind into a dough. Press firmly into the base of an 8” spring clip tin.
  2. Place in the freezer while you make the filling.
  3. Blend all the remaining ingredients together except the passion fruit. Scoop the pulp from the passion fruit and stir half through the topping mixture
  4. Pour filling over base and freeze for 2 hours,
  5. Remove the cheesecake from the tin and transfer to the fridge, Allow to defrost for 1 hour before serving, Just before serving top with the remaining passion fruit flesh.

Blog originally written by Caroline Dec 2012

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